Nowruz Celebration Event
The Iranian Community of Manitoba (ICM) has taken the opportunity to participate in the Stronger Together program of ECCM and celebrate Nowruz (the Iranian New Year, observed now over 3000 years) which happens to be the day of the vernal equinox, the beginning of spring, through a virtual event. We would like to invite you to join this event which is known as Iranians’ biggest national holiday, and is celebrated among 300 million people worldwide.
Recalling the deep links between man and nature Nowruz was proclaimed as an official UN observance in 2009 because it promotes peace and solidarity, particularly in families. Therefore 21st of March is considered as the International Nowruz Day in the UN. The day also focuses reconciliation and neighborliness, contributing to cultural diversity and friendship among peoples and different communities.
On behalf of the ICM, we are pleased to extend to you our warmest invitation to attend our celebration of Nowruz on March 20th, 2021 from 7:00PM to 8:30PM.
Zoom Link:

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